Jeffrey A. Karp
Curriculum Vitae

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  • Iris Verhulsdonk, Alessandro Nai, and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2022. "Are Political Attacks a Laughing Matter? Three Experiments on Political Humor and the Effectiveness of Negative Campaigning" in Political Research Quarterly. 75(3): 720-737.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp, Alessandro Nai, and Pippa Norris. 2018. "Dial 'F' for Fraud: Explaining Citizens Suspicions about Elections" in Electoral Studies. 53: 11-19.
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  • Stephen P. Nicholson, Christopher J. Carman, Chelsea M. Coe, Aidan Feeney, Balazs Feher, Brett K. Hayes, Christopher Kam, Jeffrey A. Karp, Gergo Vaczi, and Evan Heit. 2018. "The Nature of Party Categories in Two-Party and Multi-Party Systems" in Advances in Political Psychology. 39(1): 279-304.
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  • Todd Donovan and Jeffrey Karp. 2017. "Electoral Rules, Corruption, Inequality and Evaluations of Democracy" in European Journal of Political Research.56(3): 469-486
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Maarja Luhiste. 2016. "Explaining Political Engagement with Online Panels: Comparing the British and American Election Studies." in Public Opinion Quarterly 80(3): 666-693.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Caitlin Milazzo. 2015. "Democratic Scepticism and Political Participation in Europe." in Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 25(1): 97-110.
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  • Juliet Pietsch, Michael Miller, and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2015. "Public Support for Democracy in Transitional Regimes." in Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 25(1): 1-9.
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  • Daniel Stevens and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2012. "Leadership Traits and Media Influence in Britain" in Political Studies. Volume 60, 787-808.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp. 2012. "Electoral Systems, Party Mobilisation and Political Engagement" in Australian Journal of Political Science. Volume 47, No. 1. 71-89.
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  • Daniel Stevens, Susan Banducci, Jeffrey Karp and Jack Vowles. 2011. "Priming Time for Blair? Media Priming, Iraq, and Leadership Evaluations in Britain" in Electoral Studies. Volume 30, No. 3. 546-560.
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  • Daniel Stevens, Jeffrey A. Karp and Robert Hodgson. 2011. "Party Leaders as Movers and Shakers in British Campaigns: Results from the 2010 Election" in Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. Volume 21, No. 2. 125-145.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Caroline J. Tolbert. 2010. "Support for Nationalizing Presidential Elections" in Presidential Studies Quarterly. Volume 40, No. 4. 771-793.
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  • Sara B. Hobolt and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2010. "Voters and Coalition Governments" in Electoral Studies. Volume 29, No. 3. 299-307.
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  • Shaun Bowler, Jeffrey A. Karp, and Todd Donovan 2010. "Strategic Coalition Voting: Evidence from New Zealand" in Electoral Studies. Volume 29, No. 3. 350-357.
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  • Susan A. Banducci, Jeffrey A. Karp, and Peter H. Loedel. 2009. "Economic Interests and Public Support for the Euro" in Journal of European Public Policy. Volume 16, No. 4. 564-581.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp. 2009. "Candidate Effects and Spill-Over in Mixed Systems: Evidence From New Zealand" in Electoral Studies. Volume 28, No. 1. 41-50.
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  • Susan A. Banducci, Jeffrey A. Karp, Michael Thrasher, and Colin Rallings. 2008. "Ballot Photographs as Cues in Low Information Elections" in Political Psychology. Volume 29, No. 6. 903-917.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Susan A. Banducci. 2008. "When Politics is Not Just a Man's Game: Women's Representation and Political Engagement." in Electoral Studies. Volume 27, No. 1. 105-115.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Susan A. Banducci. 2008. "Political Efficacy and Participation in Twenty Seven Democracies: How Electoral Systems Shape Political Behavior" in British Journal of Political Science. Volume 38, No. 2. 311-334.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp, Susan A. Banducci and Shaun Bowler. 2008. "Getting Out the Vote: Party Mobilization in a Comparative Perspective" in British Journal of Political Science. Volume 38, No. 1. 91-112.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Marshall W. Garland. 2007. "Ideological Ambiguity and Split Ticket Voting" in Political Research Quarterly. Volume 60, No. 4. 722-732.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp. 2007. "Reforming the Electoral College and Support for Proportional Outcomes" in Representation. Volume 43, No. 4. 239-250.
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  • Shaun Bowler, Todd Donovan, and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2007. "Enraged or Engaged? Preferences for Direct Citizen Paricipation in Affluent Democracies" in Political Research Quarterly. Volume 60, No. 3. 351-362.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Susan A. Banducci. 2007. "Party Mobilization and Political Participation in New and Old Democracies" in Party Politics. Volume 13, No. 2. 217-234.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp. 2006. "Political Knowledge about Electoral Rules: Comparing Mixed Member Proportional Systems in Germany and New Zealand" in Electoral Studies. Volume 25, No. 4. 714-730.
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  • Todd Donovan and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2006. "Popular Support for Direct Democracy" in Party Politics. Volume 12, No. 5. 671-688.
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  • Jack Vowles, Susan A. Banducci and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2006. "Forecasting and Evaluating the Consequences of Electoral Change in New Zealand" in Acta Politica. Volume 41, No. 3. 267-284.
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  • Shaun Bowler, Todd Donovan and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2006. "Why Politicians Like Electoral Institutions: Self-interest, Values, or Ideology?" in Journal of Politics. Volume 68, No. 2. 434-446.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Shaun Bowler. 2006. "Broadening and deepening or broadening versus deepening: The question of enlargement and Europe's hesitant Europeans" in European Journal of Political Research. Volume 45, No. 3. 369-390.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and David Brockington. 2005. "Social Desirability and Response Validity: A Comparative Analysis of Over-Reporting Voter Turnout in Five Countries" in Journal of Politics. Volume 67, No. 3. 825-840.
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  • Shaun Bowler and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2004. "Politicians, Scandals and Trust in Government" in Political Behavior. Volume 26, No. 3. 271-288.
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  • Todd Donovan, Shaun Bowler, Robert Hanneman and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2004. "Social Groups, Sport and Political Engagement in New Zealand" in Australian Journal of Political Science. Volume 39, No. 2. 405-419.
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  • Susan A. Banducci, Todd Donovan, and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2004. "Minority Representation, Empowerment, and Participation" in Journal of Politics Volume 66, No. 2. 534-556.
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  • Susan A. Banducci and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2003. "How Elections Change the Way Citizens View the Political System: Campaigns, Media Effects, and Electoral Outcomes in Comparative Perspective" in British Journal of Political Science. Volume 33, No. 3. 443-467.
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  • Susan A. Banducci, Jeffrey A. Karp, and Peter H. Loedel. 2003. "The Euro, Economic Interests and Multi-level Governance: Examining Support for the Common Currency" in European Journal of Political Research. Volume 42, No. 5. 685-703.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp, Susan A. Banducci, and Shaun Bowler. 2003. "To Know it is to Love it? Satisfaction with Democracy in the European Union" in Comparative Political Studies. Volume 36, No 2. 271-292.
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  • Shaun Bowler, Todd Donovan, and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2002. "When Might Institutions Change? Elite Support for Direct Democracy in Three Nations" in Political Research Quarterly . Volume 55, No 4. 731-754.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Susan A. Banducci. 2002. "Issues and Party Competition under Alternative Electoral Systems" in Party Politics. Volume 8, No 1. 123-141.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp, Jack Vowles, Susan A. Banducci, and Todd Donovan. 2002. "Strategic Voting, Party Activity, and Candidate Effects: Testing Explanations for Split Voting in New Zealand's New Mixed System" in Electoral Studies. Volume 21, No 1. 1-22.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Shaun Bowler. 2001. "Coalition Politics and Satisfaction with Democracy: Explaining New Zealand's Reaction to Proportional Representation" in European Journal of Political Research. Volume 40, No 1. 57-79.
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  • Jeffrey A Karp and Susan A. Banducci. 2001. "Absentee Voting, Participation, and Mobilization" in American Politics Research. Volume 29, No 2. 183-195.
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  • Susan A. Banducci and Jeffrey A Karp. 2000. "Gender, Leadership and Choice in Multiparty Systems" in Political Research Quarterly. Volume 53, No 4. 815-848.
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  • Jeffrey A Karp and Susan A. Banducci. 2000. "Going Postal: How All Mail Elections Influence Turnout" in Political Behavior . Volume 22, No 3. 223-239.
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  • Susan Banducci and Jeffrey Karp. 1999. "Perceptions of Fairness and Support for Proportional Representation" in Political Behavior. Volume 21, No 3. 217-238.
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  • Susan Banducci, Todd Donovan, and Jeffrey Karp. 1999. "Proportional Representation and Attitudes About Politics: Results from New Zealand" in Electoral Studies. Volume 18, No 4. 533-555.
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  • Jeffrey Karp and Susan Banducci. 1999. "The Impact of Proportional Representation on Turnout: Evidence from New Zealand" in Australian Journal of Political Science. Volume 34, No 3. 363-377.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp. 1995. "Explaining Public Support for Legislative Term Limits" in Public Opinion Quarterly. Volume 59, No 3. 373-91.
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  • Susan A. Banducci and Jeffrey A. Karp. 1994. "The Electoral Consequences of Scandal and Reapportionment in the 1992 House Elections" in American Politics Quarterly. Volume 22, No 1. 3-26.
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Book Chapters

  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Jack Vowles. 2017. "From National to Cross-National Political Polls and Surveys: When Country/Elections Become Cases" in Lonna Atkeson and Michael Alvarez (eds.) Oxford University Press Handbook on Polling and Polling Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Caitlin Milazzo. 2016. "Globalization and Voter Turnout in Times of Crisis" in Jack Vowles and Georgios Xezonakis (eds.) Globalization and Domestic Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  • Karp, Jeffrey A. 2014. "Generations and the Referendum on MMP" in Jack Vowles (ed.) in The New Electoral Politics in New Zealand: The Significance of the 2011 Election. Institute for Governance and Policy Studies: Victoria University Press. 185-196.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Susan A. Banducci. 2011. "The Influence of Party and Electoral Systems on Campaign Engagement" in Citizens, Context, and Choice: How Context Shapes Citizens' Electoral Choices. Russell J. Dalton and Christopher J. Anderson, (eds.). Oxford University Press. 55-78.
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  • Susan A. Banducci and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2009. "Electoral Systems, Efficacy, and Voter Turnout" in The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. Hans-Dieter Klingemann, (ed.). Oxford University Press. 109-136.
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  • Susan A. Banducci and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2008. "Mobilizing Political Engagement and Participation in Diverse Societies: The Impact of Institutional Arrangements" in Designing Democratic Government: Making Institutions Work. Margaret Levi, James Johnson, Jack Knight, and Susan Stokes, eds. Russell Sage Foundation. 62-88.
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  • Susan A. Banducci, Todd Donovan, and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2005. "Effects of Minority Representation on Political Attitudes and Participation" in Diversity in Democracy: Minority Representation in the United States. Gary M. Segura and Shaun Bowler, eds. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. 193-215.
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  • Jeffrey Karp and Susan Banducci. 2004. "Political Parties and Party Mobilisation" in Voters' Veto: The 2002 Election in New Zealand and the Consolidation of Minority Government 104-116.
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  • Raymond Miller and Jeffrey Karp. 2004. "A Vote for Coalition Government" in Voters' Veto: The 2002 Election in New Zealand and the Consolidation of Minority Government 134-149.
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  • Susan Banducci and Jeffrey Karp. 2004. "New Zealand in a Comparative Context" in Voters' Veto: The 2002 Election in New Zealand and the Consolidation of Minority Government 150-166.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp, Shaun Bowler and Susan A. Banducci. 2003. "Electoral Systems, Party Mobilization, and Turnout: Evidence from the European Parliamentary Elections" in British Elections and Parties Review, Volume 13. Frank Cass Publishers. 210-228.
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  • Jeffrey Karp. 2002. "Members of Parliament and Representation" in Proportional Representation on Trial: The 1999 New Zealand General Election and the Fate of MMP. Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Jeffrey Karp, Raymond Miller, and Ann Sullivan. Auckland University Press. 130-146.
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  • Jeffrey Karp and Peter Aimer. 2002. "Direct Democracy on Trial: The Citizens-Initiated Referendums" in Proportional Representation on Trial: The 1999 New Zealand General Election and the Fate of MMP. Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Jeffrey Karp, Raymond Miller, and Ann Sullivan. Auckland University Press. 146-159.
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  • Jack Vowles, Jeffrey Karp, Susan Banducci, and Peter Aimer. 2002. "Public Opinion, Public Knowledge, and the Electoral System" in Proportional Representation on Trial: The 1999 New Zealand General Election and the Fate of MMP. Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Jeffrey Karp, Raymond Miller, and Ann Sullivan. Auckland University Press. 160-174.
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  • Jack Vowles, Jeffrey Karp, Susan Banducci, Peter Aimer, and Raymond Miller. 2002. "Reviewing MMP" in Proportional Representation on Trial: The 1999 New Zealand General Election and the Fate of MMP. Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Jeffrey Karp, Raymond Miller, and Ann Sullivan. Auckland University Press. 175-191.
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  • Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Susan Banducci, and Jeffrey Karp. 1998. "Expectations of Change" in Voter's Victory? New Zealand's First Election Under Proportional Representation. Edited by Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Susan Banducci, and Jeffrey Karp. Auckland University Press. 1-11.
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  • Susan Banducci, Jeffrey Karp, and Jack Vowles. 1998. "Vote Splitting Under MMP" in Voter's Victory? New Zealand's First Election Under Proportional Representation. Edited by Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Susan Banducci, and Jeffrey Karp. Auckland University Press. 101-119
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  • Susan Banducci and Jeffrey Karp. 1998. "Representation Under a Proportional System" in Voter's Victory? New Zealand's First Election Under Proportional Representation. Edited by Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Susan Banducci, and Jeffrey Karp. Auckland University Press. 135-152
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  • Jeffrey Karp and Susan Banducci. 1998. "Voter Satisfaction After Electoral System Change" in Voter's Victory? New Zealand's First Election Under Proportional Representation. Edited by Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Susan Banducci, and Jeffrey Karp. Auckland University Press. 153-170
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  • Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Susan Banducci, and Jeffrey Karp. 1998. "Voter Rationality and the Advent of MMP" in Voter's Victory? New Zealand's First Election Under Proportional Representation. Edited by Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Susan Banducci, and Jeffrey Karp. Auckland University Press. 192-211
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp. 1998. "The Influence of Elite Endorsements in Initiative Campaigns" in Citizens as Legislators. Edited by Shaun Bowler, Todd Donovan, and Caroline Tolbert. Ohio University Press. 149-165.
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  • Co-Principal Investigator. "The Electoral Learning and Capacity Training" (ELECT). 2016. With Alessandro Nai (PI) and Pippa Norris (Co-PI). Research supported by the Association of World Electoral Bodies (A-WEB). Amount awarded: $28,950.
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  • Principal Investigator. "The Australian Voter Experience (AVE)". 2016. With Pippa Norris and Alessandro Nai (Co-PIs). Research supported by the Australian Electoral Commission. Amount awarded: $47,468.
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  • Principal Investigator. Comparative Cross National Research (CCNER). 2010-14. Co-investigators, Daniel Stevens, Susan Banducci, Nicole Bolleyer and Jack Vowles. 296,000. Funded by the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC).
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  • Principal Investigator. Social Desirability and the Survey Response: Validating Voter Turnout. 2009-10. 6,306. Funded by the Nuffield Foundation Social Sciences Small Grants Scheme.
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Working Papers

  • Jeffrey A. Karp and Marshall Garland. 2022. "Electoral Fraud and Political Violence: Evidence from Several Experiments" Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association Montreal, Quebec, Canada. September 14-18
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp. 2022. "Gender Stereotypes and Leadership Evaluations: Do Voters hold Female Prime Ministers to a Different Standard?" Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Studies Association, Nashville, TN. March 28-April 2.
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  • Jeffrey A. Karp. 2019. "Should Congress Look Like America? Explaining Preferences about Descriptive Representation with Experimental Data" Paper prepared for the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC. August 29- September 1.
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  • Alex N. Adams, Lonna Rae Atkeson, and Jeffrey A. Karp. 2017. "Data Quality, Professional Respondents and Discontinuous Surveys: Issues of Engagement, Knowledge and Satisficing"
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  • Introduction to World Politics Brunel (Fall 2022)
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  • Comparative Electoral Systems Brunel (Spring 2022)
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  • Introduction to Comparative Politics Brunel (Spring 2022)
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  • Explaining Politics: Quantitative Political Science in Practice Brunel (Spring 2021)
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  • Explaining Politics: Quantitative Political Science in Practice Brunel (2019-2020)
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  • U.S. Politics ANU (2014)
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  • Elections, Political Behaviour and Public Opinion in Australia ANU (2013)
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  • Electoral Politics Exeter (Fall 2011)
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  • American Politics Exeter (Fall 2011)
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  • Elements of Research Design in Politics Exeter (Fall 2011)
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Copyright © 1994-2011 Jeffrey A. Karp. All rights reserved.
Portions copyright © 1994-2011 their respective holders.